First Full Moon of the Year

£20.00 2 hours

Location: Port Soderick Car Park
Date: Sat 6th Jan 6:00pm – 8.00pm
Cost: £20.00


First Full Moon of the year event – The Wolf Moon

“The sunset embers smolder low,
The Moon climbs o’er the hill,
The peaks have caught the alpenglow,
The robin’s song is still “
–John L. Stoddard (1850–1931)

Join us for our first Full Moon event of the year to set your intentions for the year ahead. As the full wolf moon shines brightly overhead, we will be reminded in so many ways of the great powers of the universe and know that we are but tiny parts of great existence. Yet, small we may be, but we hold greatness in our hearts as we look toward a future where kindness, forgiveness, and humility are present and practiced.

We will meet at Port Soderick Car Part at 6:00pm and steadily make our way to our secret beach (1 mile walk on road) where we’ll sit round a fire, connect, set intentions, eat Manx broth and homemade cake.


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