Soul Adventures – The 24 hour Epic Adventure

Meeting 10am 1 days 2 hours

This Epic walk will be led by Gary Thomas, ex Military and keen mountaineer. Gary has recently completed the 9 peak challenge which included, the Yorkshire 3 peaks, the National 3 peaks and the Welsh 3 peaks.


Are you ready to fully immerse yourself in an energetic and challenging 24 hours of adventure? We’ve teamed with some of the best instructors/coaches on the Island to offer you an opportunity to beat your best with our short adrenaline-pumping 24 hour Epic adventure.

Do you love to test you mental resilience and want to challenge yourself? While everyone’s in the gym getting physically strong (which is also important), we’re offering people the opportunity to develop their mental strength and resilience. Placing ourselves in uncomfortable situations builds the discipline to plough through resistance. Resistance is always the one thing stopping you from stepping outside of your comfort zone.

So, this is your call for action – come and join us, we’d love to have you onboard.

The 24 hour Epic Adventure, what’s included?

You’ll be in the safe hands with our very skilled dedicated team of instructors and coaches from when you arrive for your Epic adventure. You’ll kick off your adventure with a mindset workshop delivered by Phil Quirk, one of the UK’s leading Human Performance specialists. Phil will prepare the group for some of the mental and physical challenges that await the group. It’s no secret that mindset is one of the most important factors when it comes to success in any physical or mental challenge.

Your first activity will be a challenging gorge walk led by the dedicated team at the Venture Centre. The gorge is pretty chilly this time of year and the water flow can be fast which provides natural bed rock rapids to slide down. This activity will involve some scrambling, climbing, sliding, and jumping.

After a well earned hot meal, a shower and a warm by the fire, you will head out after sunset for a night hike along the North Barrule ridge. This Epic walk will be led by Gary Thomas, ex Military and keen mountaineer. Gary has recently completed the 9 peak challenge which included, the Yorkshire 3 peaks, the National 3 peaks and the Welsh 3 peaks, pretty amazing stuff.

You’ll start your hike at the Hibernian road and make your way up the craggy East face of North Barrule. This is arguably one of the juiciest climbs on the Island. This route climbs through very rough and steep rock before we reach the summit and make our way along the ridge. If it’s a starry night, you’re in for a very nice treat up on the ridge in the dark.

If anyone still has any energy left after the night hike, they can make up a fire and settle down under the night sky to reflect on the Epic day.

The next morning will be an early rise for a group cold water dip in Ballaglass glen with Kate Leavey- Bergquist, qualified cold water therapy coach and RLSS water safety qualified.
After breakfast, it’s time to test yourself mentally and physically against the rugged cliffs of Maughold head. Taking on a 110ft sea cliff abseil. The boys from the Venture Centre will lead this brilliant activity.

You will finish your Epic weekend with a team activity and some Manx broth and homemade bonnag cake. All the delicious food will be provided by the totally awesome Ruth Quirk.
For £165pp, you will get one night accommodation, all activities, lunch and dinner on Saturday, breakfast and lunch on Sunday, plus all hot drinks. Wetsuits and kit will be provided.


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